Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nat's newest specialty, it seems is planning a Safari Itinerary!  Together we came up with an AWESOME itinerary we'd love to do!

Thursday: Leave Arusha 4am--> Serengeti. Arrive by 11am. Game drive until Dusk. Spend the night in Serengeti Park or travel to Ngoronogo campsite during dinner time and have late dinner.

Friday: Leave 5am to drive to Ngoronongo, visit crater and possibly Oludvai Gorge. Spend night in Ngoronrongo Park or drive during dinner time to Lake Manyara/Tangire campsite for late dinner.

Saturday: Travel to Manyara/Tangire. Spend day here. Travel to Massai village at dusk.

Sunday: 1/2 day of Massai Village (leave by 1pm since flight leaves Kilimanjaro at 7:50pm).

Yes, people this is patented under Nat's name. So any future tour operators will have to pay royalty fees to Nat for using her plan! :)

We are currently contacting tour operators to see if this is possible.

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